Blog Articles

Living with Chronic Migraine – Coping Strategies: Everyday Things You can Do to Cope
Living with Chronic Migraine is not easy. They limit our ability to work and concentrate, they affect our social life, and the pain can be

Epilepsy and Seizures: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment
WHAT IS EPILEPSY: AN OVERVIEW Epilepsy is a chronic non-communicable neurological disorder characterized by repeated seizures and abnormal brain activities causing unusual sensations and involuntary

Migraine Attacks – An Overview: How to Identify, What to Do
What is Migraine Migraine is a complex neurological condition that affects about 12 percent of general population. It is characterized by acute throbbing and pulsating pain, usually on one
Telehealth: The Advantages of Telemedicine
The COVID-19 pandemic has triggered dramatic changes throughout everyday life — and in the medical community as well. Not only are providers across the country

How to Make Your Home Seizure-Safe: Living with Epilepsy
There is no easy way to put it – living with Epilepsy can be a challenging experience, mainly because of the unpredictability of seizures and